Here’s Your Chance to Build a Profitable
Lifestyle Business
That Makes A Difference!
Find Out Now…
- What if Building Your Business Could be EASIER than You Ever Thought Possible?
- What if Your Business Could Make a Bigger Difference AND Make You Money at the Same Time?
- What if You Really Could be Motivated to Profit Every Single Day?
In the 45 Lessons of “Motivation to Profit”, you’ll be guided, step-by-step, to Define Your Vision, Build Your Plan, Implement Your Plan, and Start Getting the Results You’ve Always Dreamed of!
What is a “Lifestyle Business?”
A lifestyle business is a business that supports the life you most want to live that also does good in the world. It is a business that follows the planning of your ideal life including where you live, the things you want to do and experience on a daily/yearly basis including travel, and the quality of “work” life you want to have during business hours.
Once you’ve figured out your ideal lifestyle, we help you create the business that will support that lifestyle. It’s quite a different way of “doing business” than most of the world practices!
Here’s How Directions University Puts Tony’s Advice Into Practice For YOU!
1. “Find A Way To Do More For Others Than Anyone Else Does.”
Directions University is the web’s most complete start-to-finish Lifestyle Business design and implementation education and tool suite. That’s how we do more for others than anyone else. We aren’t in competition with anyone else because we created a whole new league of high-value, results-oriented business strategy training where we’re the only team on the field!
2. “Become More Valuable”
Looking around the online marketing training, strategy, and tools space, there are a lot of places you can spend a lot of money to get just one or two pieces of the puzzle. At Directions University, you get all the pieces, but more importantly, you get the picture on the front of the puzzle box so you can actually nail the outcome you want for your life and business! That’s heavy value.
3. “Do More”
Applying our own Vortex Model to Directions University’s training and tools suite, we’re able to do more than anyone else in the space because we’re leverage masters. No other single source of business strategy training comes close to what we do for our students with our comprehensive training and software tools.
4. “Give More”
We Eat “Over-Delivery Flakes” for breakfast! Our Deans and Faculty give more time than you’d ever reasonably expect in order to make sure you have everything you need to build the perfect, profitable Lifestyle Business. Honestly, we’re kind of a big deal in the giving space.
5. “Be More”
The entirety of what is on offer here at Directions University’s “Motivation to Profit” is unmatched in our industry. It took 8 years to build the fantastic training and tools here at DU. We’re 8 years ahead of all the lesser startups in this space and we’re not slowing down!
6. “Serve More”
Not only do we serve our students, we serve the World. Our goal is to touch the lives of all 7+ billion people on Earth. The only way we can accomplish this is to have a strong service component here at Directions University. Through our work with nonprofits, NGOs, and people like you, we are extending our ability to reach everyone on the Planet through extreme leverage and commitment.
What Do You Get When You Join “Motivation to Profit” Right Now?
- All 45 lessons (delivered every 3 days) in streaming video, mp4 Format so that you can watch them on your computer, your cell phone, or your ipad,
- All of the “Action Steps” from each of the lessons in downloadable PDF format so that you can complete each one, step-by-step. By the time you’re done, you will have Designed Your Vision, Planned Your Approach, Implemented Your Plan, and you’ll be on your way to making a difference in the lives of your customers and making ALL your dreams your reality!
- Access to All of the Weekly Webinars LIVE on Wednesdays at 4pm eastern. Each week, one person volunteers for the “Hug Seat”. The call focuses entirely on that one person and looks at who they are as a person, where they’re at in their business, and where they want to be in 1 to 3 years. During the balance of the call, we create the strategic plan that allows them to go from where they’re at to where they want to be. During the call, you get to jump in and Get Answers to ALL Your Questions whenever they come up!
- Access to the mp3 Downloads for All the Calls So You Can Review the Material Any Time You Want (even if it’s 3:00 am!)
Here’s What You Can Expect From Motivation to Profit…
Working through the training and using the tools in Motivation to Profit you can expect outcomes like the following examples…
- You will build a bigger list of leads and subscribers.
- You will have more customers and sales, growing every month.
- You will make more money with your business.
- You will become crystal clear on not only your business goals, but your lifestyle goals, making them one unit working together.
- You will actually work LESS and get MORE done.
- You will be able to vacation and your business can GROW while you’re away.
- You will have people coming to you to help you with your vision, products, services.
- You will have people sending you customers, gladly and voluntarily.
- You will be able to get attention from your ideal “Avatar” for your products/services in many different, low-effort ways.
- You will begin to live the dream life you’ve always wanted, while your business simply supplies the financial means to do so.
- You will see a marked increase in traffic to your website – from sources you’re already used to getting traffic from (only much more of it now) and from new sources you never expected.
- You will be recognized as a thought leader and authority in your market – someone people listen to and want to hear more from.
- You will attract joint venture partners easily.
- You will have a secure, professional, REAL business strategy with parts that work together to release you from “working” all the time, while making you more money.
- You will have time to do good in the world. To give back through the success of your business.
- You will get on track to leave a legacy that continues long after you’re no longer here.
- You will know more about how business really works (and how leverage is applied masterfully) than you could ever imagine.
- You will gain the power to move people with your words for reliable outcomes.
- You will be able to eliminate your overwhelm and scatter and instead get FOCUS on what’s important so that you can make decisions with ease!
- You will create customers who are excited to buy from you again and again (instead of customers who buy once and then only show up to whine and complain).
Again, you can’t just take the course and make all the above come true for you. But if you apply what you learn and use the software and other tools, the outcomes above can become very real for you, very quickly! That’s exciting! (And its not that hard – no part of Motivation to Profit is more difficult than low to intermediate experience level!)
What else will you get when you enroll in Directions University’s Motivation to Profit?
DUProject: Project Management System
You get access to DuProject, a project management system that you and your staff or outsources can use to stay organized and efficient. DUProject comes with pre-loaded project templates that cover all the action steps in all the lessons so that you can track time, the order of each task set, and never miss a thing as you implement what you learn!
DUvisio: Shopping cart and Instant-Pay Affiliate System
Access to DUVisio, an affiliate management and instant-pay shopping cart. Take payments and grow your affiliate base while gaining the ability pay your affiliate and joint venture partners INSTANTLY when they send you sales!
getting the results you deserve
and start
making the money you want?
We regularly get feedback like this from our students…

Why Join “Motivation to Profit”?
Building a business is just like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.
You have many different pieces that need to be placed just right in order to assemble the completed puzzle (your profitable business)..Most training programs give you one or a few of the “pieces” you need to put your puzzle together. You might get “Joint Ventures” in one program. Google+ in another. Building a membership site in yet another.
Rarely do you find one program that gives you ALL the pieces to the puzzle!
And, even if you were to find a program that gave you all the pieces, it is still likely to be missing one HUGE ingredient for assembling the puzzle… The puzzle box!
If you’ve ever put together a jigsaw puzzle, you know how important it is to actually see the completed picture on the puzzle box. Often, it’s the only “clue” that you have that tells you were a piece gets placed!
Think of “Motivation to Profit” as a puzzle that not only comes complete with ALL the pieces of your puzzle, but that also gives you a high-def, 3D picture of the puzzle to make it as easy as possible for you to assemble the puzzle in record time!
As you complete each of the lessons, you’ll be putting the next piece of your puzzle in place.
By completing the simple “Action Steps” at the end of each Lesson, you are literally building your puzzle one step at a time, helping to ensure that you don”t have any chance of leaving out a critical step.
All you’ll have to do is watch, listen, read, and TAKE ACTION! Before you know it, your business will be well on it’s way to changing lives, making you money, and truly impacting the direction of the world!
Who is “Motivation to Profit” For?
DirectionsU and “Motivation to Profit” are designed for those entrepreneurs and small business owners who are:
- Positive (in other words, you look at things with a “glass half full” attitude, and not a “glass half empty” mindset)
- Serving first, selling second (in other words, if all you want to do is make a bunch of money, and you don’t care how you do it, or who you hurt in the process, this is probably not the right place for you)
- Wanting to make a bigger impact (in other words, if you want to impact an audience that is bigger than just your small town, or if you have a message that you want to get out to the world, or if you want to reach more people, then this is the place to be!)
- Starting a business or have an existing business, but want to get bigger results (whether you have an idea for a business, you have an existing business, run a for profit or non-profit business, “Motivation to Profit” can help you get bigger results, with less effort, in less time!)
In other words, just about ANY business can benefit from what you’ll learn in “Motivation to Profit”! The ideal student is someone who has an area of expertise such as a chiropractor, veterinarian, massage therapist, coach, author, or service professional, who is sick of the lifestyle created by being in a service oriented business, who wants to use that expertise to reach more people, make a bigger impact, truly make a difference — AND make a very nice living in the process!
Past students include:
- Traditional “brick and mortar” business owners such as Dale Smith and Kay Harris of “Cabins of Birch Hollow”
- Non-profit businesses such as Gridiron Alliance (now the “Community Alliance for Sports Safety”) and Yvonne and Friends (dba “A Daddys Heart”)
- Veterinarian/Chiropractor Dr. Daniel Beatty Founder of eVet Clinic
- Cynthia Gardner O’Neill – massage therapist and Founder of the “Center for Loving Consciousness”
- Weight loss coach Cindy Parris Founder of “Healthy Weight Loss Concepts”
- Holistic Therapist & Raw Health Coach Cher Fauvel Founder of “Raw Food Recovery”
In other words, no matter what kind of business you’ve always dreamed of, if you’re looking for Direction for Your Life, Direction for Your Business, learning how to Give Direction to Your Customers (and Prospects), and you want to massively Impact the Direction of the World, then…
Turn Your Dreams Into
Abundant Reality
What Will You Accomplish Through “Motivation to Profit”?
“Motivation to Profit”; is designed to help you succeed by following your passion! Your “Success” starts by defining what “success” means to YOU by using the Lessons and Action Steps in the Challenge! At a minimum, “success” by following your passion includes:
- Making money consistently, month in and month out doing something that you love!
- Building relationships consistently, through which you make a difference for other people!
- Feeling good about yourself and what you are doing consistently, every single day.
And that’s exactly what “Motivation to Profit” is about …
We’re all about improving your mindset, finding your PROFITABLE passion, and using your passion in a way that both makes a difference for others AND makes you money at the same time! Through “Motivation to Profit”, you’ll define your goals so you’ll know what success means to YOU! Then, using the Lessons, you’ll move forward to “Find Your Profitable Passion” (i.e. figure out what niche you should build your business in and who your Ideal Customer is), as well as what products you should sell to your customers, how to sell things to your customers, and more.
You’ll learn how use a WordPress Blog at the heart of your business and you’ll actually get your blog set up too!
We teach you to use a blog instead of having you build a complicated website for two reasons:
- First, your business actually gets you better results when you use WordPress to build it.
- Second, your website is as easy to use as a Word Processor! Using WordPress requires no more technical knowledge than using Microsoft Word!
Even getting your website set up will be a breeze when you follow the Lessons in “Motivation to Profit”. You can either use our custom system and have your website setup automatically, so you can simply tweak it to make it unique. Or, you can use our recommended Outsourcers and have them setup your site for you!
By the end of the lessons in “Motivation to Profit”, you”ll know exactly:
how to set your website up to engage your visitors and turn them into customers;
- how to drive traffic to your website using a combination of traffic sources (including search engines, social media sites like Google+, Facebook, YouTube, iTunes, and many others);
- how to build relationships by starting and continuing conversations;
- how to improve your Google Authorship ranking;
- how to gain leverage through Joint Ventures;
- how to create products in a highly leveraged way; and how to make sales over and over again.
In fact, if you apply everything you learn in “Motivation to Profit”, you’ll actually be getting traffic to your website by the time you finish all the Lessons AND that traffic will be turning into new subscribers and new customers!
Once your website is set up, you’ll learn how to track your results so you can tweak your site and your system to improve your results.
If you’re just starting out in your business, you can easily move from idea to solid 4-figure per month income by the time you complete all of the lessons in “Motivation to Profit”.
If you already have an existing business, and you’re already making sales, it’s quite possibly that you could improve your bottom line 5 to 10 times by the time you complete all lessons in “Motivation to Profit”.
Isn’t it time to start getting
the results you’ve
Always dreamed of?
Who Are Your Faculty Members?
At DirectionsU, we help entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners in 4 areas. We help you to:
- Get direction for your life
- Get direction for your business
- Learn how to give direction to your prospects and customers
- Impact the direction of the world!
All of the DU Faculty Members are experts in one or more of these areas. DU has over 20 Faculty Members, each one of them having many years of experience helping small business owners succeed! Our Faculty Members include:
[rev_slider faculty]
Here’s Your Invitation to Become a Part of the DirectionsU Mission!
Our Mission here at DirectionsU is pretty simple…
The DU Mission is to touch the life of EVERY person on this planet! We truly want to help EVERY person to live the life of their dreams.
It’s a mission that just can’t be reached by any one of us individually. With more than 7.2 BILLION people on this planet, it would be completely and totally impossible for any one person (or even a small group of people) to touch the life of every one of them.
However, if DU touches the lives of 100,000 entrepreneurs and teaches each one of them to have a deep and profound effect on the lives of their customers, and if each entrepreneur reaches just 72,000 people, then together, we truly CAN touch the life of everyone on this planet!
Will You Be the Next Entrepreneur That We Help?
Are You Interested in Being a Part of Changing the World?
What You Get Today
Motivation to Profit Membership Includes:
- All 45 lessons in streaming video, mp4 Format
- All of the “Action Steps” from each of the lessons in downloadable PDF format so that you can complete each one, step-by-step.
- Access to All of the Weekly Webinars LIVE on Wednesdays at 4pm eastern.
- Access to the mp3 Downloads for All the Calls So You Can Review the Material Any Time You Want
The Ultimate Done For You Project Management & Productivity Software
Imagine having a Project Management System that includes tasks for ALL that you need to do to build your business:
- Setting up your social media profiles & pages
- Posting Content that leads back to your money pages every day
- Setting up your website
- Creating higher priced products to fill in your product line
- Doing joint ventures to sell your products
- Doing product launches
Imagine having your Project Management System include training for whoever is responsible for doing things, on a task by task basis!
- Setting up a page on Facebook
- Setting up a page on Google+
- Setting up WordPress
- Adding Google Analytics to your site
- Setting up a webinar
The DUvisio Cart System!
Imagine having a platform that can pay your JV Partners and Affiliates INSTANTLY — whether you are using PayPal OR a Merchant Account. Nothing like this on the internet and our very own proprietary instant split pay system!
YES! I am ready to get started right now and finally discover how to create my Ultimate Lifestyle Business!
Your Order Information
Motivation to Profit Training Suite
What They’re Saying
Natalie Ledwell,

“This is very exciting!!!”
“Hi everyone. This course is something that I’ve been looking for for a long time. I’ve researched the internet for absolutely hours over the past 4 to 5 months, to land up here. Thanks to Lance Hood and of course Gina – thanks so much for this wonderfull opportunity. I can finally see my internet business online. It’s a tough one for me at present, It’s taken 5 days to put in the time to get the first lesson done, but I know that it will happen.” –Terry MacMenigall
“I can’t wait for the next lesson – do we really have to wait?”
“I eagerly plowed through lesson one and have completed my goal setting (which was already in the works). I KNOW I will succeed (I do succeed at anything I put effort into), I AM willing to do whatever is required (I’ve never been accused of being lazy) and I can not only see my success – I can taste it!!” –kkinder1
Carrie Tucker,
“I had to share this with you all,”
“When I was checking my google analytics, I did a test on google for one of my keywords used on my blog and guess what :
I’m on page ONE of google!”
Regards, Philippe
“I learned more from this lesson module than I did reading all those so called “guru” ebooks!”
“Wow! I wish I found this website months ago… it would have saved me from wasting so much time reading all those ebooks trying to learn internet marketing! I look forward to learning from all the upcoming modules and following the action steps after each one. I finally feel like “I can do this!”
Thank you so much Gina!
“This is just amazing Gina…”
“At last I have everything I need…. after studying for nearly three years and not knowing how to put an affiliate link anywhere to be able to promote products, at last I feel confident I can make some money soon…. and your story Gina is so wonderful! I am going to be transformed in the same way that you were and then to help others greatly too, thank you.” -Ann
“I am so taken by what I see, that I am planning on enrolling my 13 yr old daughter.”
“Your story has won my respect and I must say I am not a big respecter of persons. It has to be earned. You have done so!!! Thanks for the opportunity to learn more to accomplish more on my next big ‘net venture and a big kudos for a place to let my daughter learn what should be taught in our schools. BUT ISN’T!”
I give you a very humble Thank You! –Larry
“I have completely changed my thought patterns – for me this is huge.”
“I am no longer negative – my family are quite amazed that I now seem to hold things together for everyone when they have a problem – life really is too short.
I can honestly say that my life has changed for the better – I feel better physically too!
My attitude now is that I am perfectly capable of learning how to do it, and if other people are doing it then so can I, and I will! How can you not trust Gina…!” –AdamsMumSue
[Content protected for Motivation To Profit Membership members only]