Download the Content Marketing & Relationship Building Master Class NOW and...
"Discover the Fastest, Easiest Way to
Become THE Recognized Authority
in Your Niche and Easily
Get an Edge Over Your Competition!"
Find Out Now...
- What is "Content Marketing" and Why is it CRITICAL to the Success of EVERY Business in Today's Economy?
- Learn the "Simple 5 Step Process for Content Marketing Success"!
- How the "Magic Formula for Content Creation" Can Help You Not Only Drive More Traffic But Also Convert those Visitors into Customers Who Buy Over and Over Again!
- Why THE KEY to Top Rankings on Google is Content Marketing (and How to Ensure that YOU Outrank Your Competition!)
Listen in as Gina and Jack explain why this Master Class is SO important to literally EVERY entrepreneur and small business owner...

BONUS #2 – 30 Day Trial of the “Motivation to Profit Membership”
This Membership includes a Action Plan that contains more than 40+ Lessons in mp4 video and mp3 audio format, plus “Action Step Checklists” for each Lesson, and a complete list of Resources for each Lesson. The 40+ Lessons not only include training from ALL of the DU Faculty Members, they’ll also help you:
- Put together your Goals & Strategic Plan,
- Create Your Success Mindset,
- Choose Your Target Market,
- Build Your Traffic Vortex & Profit Funnel so you can easily MONETIZE your Business,
- Create or Locate Products to Sell,
- Set Up Your Web Presence Using of a WordPress Blog (including a Membership Site, Sales Pages with high-converting copy on them, and more),
- Setup Your Social Media Profiles & Pages so You Can Drive Traffic that Converts,
- Build Relationships with Your Prospects Strategically so that they buy over and over again,
- Create HIGHLY Leveraged Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances so you can make more money with less effort and get to where you want to faster than you ever thought possible!
- and much more!
As a Motivation to Profit Member you’ll also get access to LIVE Weekly Calls (as well as mp3 recordings from each one!) to help you implement all that you learn!
Every week, one Student volunteers to be on the “Hug Seat” and has the entire call focus on them and THEIR business! We look at who they are, what they’re business is about, and where they want to be in 1 to 3 years. The balance of the call is spent on building the Strategic Plan for how to go from where they’re at to where they want to be!
Whether you’re on the “Hug Seat” or listening in as a peer is on the “Hug Seat”, you’ll walk away from each week’s webinar with ideas that you can implement in your business to improve profits, reach, impact, and influence easily!
You'll also get access to, a VERY comprehensive Project Management System that includes importable task sets for EVERYTHING you learn inside of Motivation to Profit! That way your VA's can do it all for you! (You'll even get 10 hours of VA Services when you join!)
And - to make it even easier to get started, you'll get access to, a shopping cart/affiliate program with a built in affiliate network (think something like Clickbank) that lets you pay your affiliates INSTANTLY on every transaction!
Details at
BONUS #3 – Complimentary 1 on 1 Strategy Session
BONUS #4 – Complimentary 10 Hours of Virtual Assistant Services from 123 Employee to Help You With Your "Content Marketing"

BONUS #5 – "Blogging Systems Workshop"

Here's Your Invitation to Attend the "Content Marketing & Relationship Building Master Class"...
Our Mission here at Directions University is pretty simple…
The DU Mission is to touch the life of EVERY person on this planet! We truly want to help EVERY person to live the life of their dreams.
It’s a mission that just can’t be reached by any one of us individually. With more than 7.2 BILLION people on this planet, it would be completely and totally impossible for any one person (or even a small group of people) to touch the live of every one of them.
However, if DU touches the lives of 100,000 entrepreneurs and teaches each one of them to have a deep and profound impact on the lives of their prospects and customers, and if each entrepreneur reaches just 72,000 people, then together, we truly CAN touch the life of everyone on this planet!
Will You Be the Next Entrepreneur That We Help?
Are You Interested in Being a Part of Changing the World While Securing Your Financial Future?
If so, then simply click the button below and “Download the "Content Marketing & Relationship Building Master Class" today! We welcome you into the DU Family and we look forward to helping you become an Influencer, Authority, and THE "Go To" Expert in Your Niche so that you can make a bigger impact, attract JV Partners like a seasoned Pro, and make the kind of money you truly deserve!