You're Invited To Take Part In A Powerful One-Day Closed Door Session That Will Set Your Coaching/Consulting Business On Fire With Fast Results, While Erasing Overwhelm and Being "Stuck."
Welcome to The Leverage Master Class!
On June 1, 2015 from 9am - 6:30pm Eastern
Overwhelm. Stress. A Too-Full Calendar...
You are here today because we heard about your strong desire to streamline your coaching / consulting business. To simplify it, get more things done faster, and grow it without the stress and overwhelm you are currently experiencing.
- Maybe you're having a rough time getting new clients. Getting the right kind of leads. Or having difficulty with all the work you are doing to attract new clients.
- Maybe you're stressed with all the clients you have and the work it presents, wondering how you'll grow from here if you're already this overworked.
- Or maybe you are in a pretty good place right now. You have enough clients, your income is decent, but you aren't sure how you could handle growing from here?
- Maybe your life feels a bit on hold as you are "growing your business" and it eats at you that life is passing by, as are your opportunities to enjoy it to the fullest?
That's why we've created this program.
Specifically, it was created to help coaches and consultants stuck in varying stages of the above issues.
We know what all of the above feels like. We've been there and found the best paths through that wilderness. We are your guides to greener pastures of abundance, profitability, marketing and conversion, and efficiency.
We are here to bring balance to your work and life, because we know you care about both. It's not just about the money you make with your business. It's also about the life you want to live.
It was the same with us, and we can think of no higher calling than to help you through this time with our hard-won experience!
Watch this Helpout to get a taste of what you'll experience when you join us for the Leverage Master Class!
It all hinges upon the DU exclusive "Vortex Business Model"
First, it is important to know that what we teach isn't anything like what you've been taught to this point about business. Even if you've read and been coached by the biggest luminaries in the business!
What you are about to learn is an exclusive, proprietary system created by Gina Gaudio-Graves at a time when she needed to raise a minimum of $40,000 per month each month to pay her medical bills. Her life literally depended on the system you're about to learn.
The Vortex Business Model was forged in the fires of the purest necessity... the desire to simply live another day. Thousands have since changed their lives by learning and applying the Vortex model. Fortunately with a lot less riding on the result.
For a moment, picture what it would be like to get clients with little effort. To have so much leverage in your business that you feel a bit guilty for how easily it grows toward your ultimate financial goal.
We've taken people through similar training and many are experiencing a much higher level of success than when they were when they sat right where you're sitting now.
Abundant leads of qualified coaching and consulting clients. A life that is balanced between your coaching business and fun, fulfillment, vacations, and time with family and friends.
The ability to handle far more than you ever thought possible, with more ease and order than you could imagine.
The end of overwhelm and procrastination. The beginning of your efficient, fun, and fulfilling march toward your biggest goal for your business. The one that got you into it in the first place.
If this sounds a lot like having your cake and eating it too, that's because it is!
Here's an example of what you can expect by putting the Vortex Business Model and the rest of our training to work for you...
- Everything up until they learned the Vortex model was hit or miss. Nothing was consistent.
- Now they are getting much more consistent results.
- Crafted a system to allow JVs to be monetized properly through leverage.
- Applying all the principles of leverage together, meeting key influencers and JV potentials that have led to great success.
- Generating 10-15 strategy sessions per week in August 2014.
- Now generating 125-175 strategy sessions per week!
- Now do webinars with JV partners, and keep them going perpetually with integration. (Which you'll learn about as well in this Master Class!)
*All Recordings Will Be Available to You If You Cannot Make The Entire Day
The Leverage Master Class Schedule
9am - 10am Module 1 - Introduction to the Vortex Model of Doing Business (Gina & Jack)
- What is the Vortex Business Model?
- How is this different than other business models?
- What's your vortex story?
10am to 11am Module 2 - Targeting Your Ideal Customer - Developing Your Avatar (Gina & Jack)
- Who is your Ideal Customer?
- How do you find your Ideal Customer?
- Where does your Ideal Customer hang out now?
- What is your Ideal Customer's Level of Awareness?
11am to Noon Module 3 - Creating Your Products for Maximum Leverage (Gina & Jack)
- Turning a series of webinars into a true "Event"
- The Formula for a Successful Event
- Gaining LEVERAGE through your Courses
Noon to 1pm LUNCH
1pm to 2pm Module 4 - What's On Your Plate? Time Managment for Coaches (Stephanie Frank)
- What's on your plate?
- Who's on your team?
- Managing your time and prioritizing tasks
2pm to 3:30pm Module 5 - Story Leverage (David Bullock)
- Story, Media And The Internet
- The Basics Of Story Leverage?
- The Four Critical Stories Every Business Owner Must Know
3:30pm to 3:45pm BREAK
3:45pm to 5pm Module 6 - Editorial Calendar & Repurposing Content (Jack Humphrey)
- Editorial Calendar - what is it and how do you create one?
- Using any piece of content to the fullest - repurposing.
- Repurposing outreach, social updates on the same content.
5pm to 6pm Module 7 - Integration Marketing (Gina Gaudio-Graves)
- Kinds of JV's
- Where do you find ideal JV Partners?
- Creating the WIN-WIN-WIN scenario
30 Days Full Access to Motivation to Profit!
Working through the training and using the tools in Motivation to Profit you can expect outcomes like the following examples...
- You will build a bigger list of leads and subscribers.
- You will have more customers and sales, growing every month.
- You will make more money with your business.
- You will become crystal clear on not only your business goals, but your lifestyle goals, making them one unit working together.
- You will actually work LESS and get MORE done.
- You will be able to vacation and your business can GROW while you're away.
- You will have people coming to you to help you with your vision, products, services.
- You will have people sending you customers, gladly and voluntarily.
- You will be able to get attention from your ideal "Avatar" for your products/services in many different, low-effort ways.
- You will begin to live the dream life you've always wanted, while your business simply supplies the financial means to do so.
- You will see a marked increase in traffic to your website - from sources you're already used to getting traffic from (only much more of it now) and from new sources you never expected.
- You will be recognized as a thought leader and authority in your market - someone people listen to and want to hear more from.
- You will attract joint venture partners easily.
- You will have a secure, professional, REAL business strategy with parts that work together to release you from "working" all the time, while making you more money.
- You will have time to do good in the world. To give back through the success of your business.
- You will get on track to leave a legacy that continues long after you're no longer here.
- You will know more about how business really works (and how leverage is applied masterfully) than you could ever imagine.
- You will gain the power to move people with your words for reliable outcomes.
- You will be able to eliminate your overwhelm and scatter and instead get FOCUS on what's important so that you can make decisions with ease!
- You will create customers who are excited to buy from you again and again (instead of customers who buy once and then only show up to whine and complain).
Again, you can't just take the course and make all the above come true for you. But if you apply what you learn and use the software and other tools, the outcomes above can become very real for you, very quickly! That's exciting! (And its not that hard - no part of Motivation to Profit is more difficult than low to intermediate experience level!)
What You Get Today
The Leverage Master Class PLUS 30 Days Access To Motivation to Profit Including...:
- All 45 lessons in streaming video, mp4 Format
- All of the “Action Steps” from each of the lessons in downloadable PDF format so that you can complete each one, step-by-step.
- Access to All of the Weekly Webinars LIVE on Wednesdays at 4pm eastern.
- Access to the mp3 Downloads for All the Calls So You Can Review the Material Any Time You Want
The Ultimate Done For You Project Management & Productivity Software
Imagine having a Project Management System that includes tasks for ALL that you need to do to build your business:
- Setting up your social media profiles & pages
- Posting Content that leads back to your money pages every day
- Setting up your website
- Creating higher priced products to fill in your product line
- Doing joint ventures to sell your products
- Doing product launches
Imagine having your Project Management System include training for whoever is responsible for doing things, on a task by task basis!
- Setting up a page on Facebook
- Setting up a page on Google+
- Setting up WordPress
- Adding Google Analytics to your site
- Setting up a webinar
The DUvisio Cart System!
Imagine having a platform that can pay your JV Partners and Affiliates INSTANTLY -- whether you are using PayPal OR a Merchant Account. Nothing like this on the internet and our very own proprietary instant split pay system!
YES! I am ready to get started right now and finally discover how to turn my current business into a Lifestyle coaching/consulting business! I want to take advantage of the over 75% off and lock in my seat now for just
Your Order Information
Leverage Master Class with Bonus Motivation to Profit
What They’re Saying
Natalie Ledwell,

"This is very exciting!!!"
"Hi everyone. This course is something that I’ve been looking for for a long time. I’ve researched the internet for absolutely hours over the past 4 to 5 months, to land up here. Thanks to Lance Hood and of course Gina – thanks so much for this wonderfull opportunity. I can finally see my internet business online. It’s a tough one for me at present, It’s taken 5 days to put in the time to get the first lesson done, but I know that it will happen." -Terry MacMenigall
"I can’t wait for the next lesson – do we really have to wait?"
"I eagerly plowed through lesson one and have completed my goal setting (which was already in the works). I KNOW I will succeed (I do succeed at anything I put effort into), I AM willing to do whatever is required (I’ve never been accused of being lazy) and I can not only see my success – I can taste it!!" -kkinder1
Carrie Tucker,